mx886622 发表于 2015-6-4 03:14   全显示 1楼
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[情色三级] [韩国/三级]把妹达人Pick.Up.Artist[AVI/3581MB/77/BT]



  The four male characters in this film don’t seem to have much in common: a college student who accidentally comes across a sex tape of his girlfriend, an unemployed man lives at the mercy of his wife. The third man lives with his ill mother and finally, Min Gi who works as a pick-up artist teaching seduction skills. The four men head to the flashy nightclub, leaving behind their life troubles.




[ 本帖最后由 mx886622 于 2015-6-4 08:21 编辑 ]
[检查重复] 把妹达人Pick.Up.Artist.torrent (18.06 KB)BT资源

2015-6-4 03:14, 下载次数: 1034

mx886622 发表于 2015-6-4 08:22   全显示 2楼
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