xxy8948kk 发表于 2013-11-10 15:36   全显示 1楼
actually,it's not about what the girls speak, but what kind girls they are. a westen girl is usually more hot and sexy than an aisan girl. by the way, ladys are more sexy than girls.
xxy8948kk 发表于 2013-11-10 15:37   全显示 2楼
actually,it's not about what the girls speak, but what kind girls they are. a westen girl is usually more hot and sexy than an aisan girl. by the way, ladys are more sexy than girls.
xxy8948kk 发表于 2013-11-10 15:38   全显示 3楼
actually,it's not about what the girls speak, but what kind girls they are. a westen girl is usually more hot and sexy than an aisan girl. by the way, ladys are more sexy than girls.
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